acupuncture for fertility

Acupuncture for Fertility and Pregnancy: How Can TCM Support Your Journey?

Everybody’s journey to becoming a parent is different. For some it happens straight away, for others it happens after a while and many couples turn to science to help them conceive. For years, Traditional Chinese Medicine has been used to help couples going through fertility struggles, IVF, pregnancy and even postpartum. Treatments such as acupuncture for fertility, herbal medicine and moxibustion allow the body to regain its healthy balance which, according to TCM, is the key to falling pregnant.

In this blog, we’re going to cover exactly how TCM can support women’s health and why an acupuncturist might just be the answer you’re looking for.


But First, What Is Infertility?

Infertility can be a completely devastating medical condition that we see a lot of at The Whichdoctor. Infertility is “a condition of the male and female reproductive system defined by the failure to achieve a pregnancy after 12 months of regular unprotected sex”. It affects a staggering 1 in 8 people.

In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) has been a lifeline for many couples looking to conceive. This fertility treatment involves the egg being fertilised outside of the woman’s uterus and then being placed back in the uterus to (hopefully) grow into a healthy pregnancy.

There are a number of ways that TCM and acupuncture can support a couple struggling to conceive and those who decide to go down the IVF path.


Chinese Medicine and Fertility

According to TCM, a woman needs to be as healthy as possible for her to conceive. This means her entire body and mind, not just her uterus. Chinese medicine assesses the body as a whole to address any imbalances in a person’s yin and yang.

The first thing your practitioner at The Whichdoctor will do is rule out any underlying issues which may be preventing you from falling pregnant. These include Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, hormonal imbalances, endometriosis, fibroids and blocked fallopian tubes. They’ll also assess what a healthy period looks like for you and ensure there are obvious signs of ovulation (sorry, but that may mean we bring up cervical mucus).

In order to ensure your yin and yang is harmonious and in balance, your practitioner or acupuncturist will recommend a number of treatments and lifestyle changes unique to your body. These can include taking supplements such as vitamin D, vitamin B9 and zinc which can all help with egg quality and fertility.

They may also recommend acupuncture for fertility which can remove any blockages that are preventing your body’s Qi (energy) from properly circulating. Herbal medicine can also help stagnant energy to flow again. In TCM, women are considered more yin which is the slow, feminine and relaxed energy. Therefore, during this time, women should be doing low-impact exercise such as walking, yoga and swimming.

fertility acupuncture Melbourne, Richmond Acupuncturist


So, It’s All About the Woman?

Nope! Acupuncture for fertility, lifestyle changes and supplements can really help male fertility too.

A key benefit of acupuncture is increasing blood flow which can help sexual function and getting blood to the pelvic region. Some research suggests that fertility acupuncture can regulate the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis which could improve sperm production. Acupuncture may also improve sperm count and the shape and direction of sperm.

If your qualified health practitioner also recommends them, then supplements and vitamins such as zinc, selenium, fish oil and folate can improve reproductive health. Don’t be surprised if they also ask you about your lifestyle and make amendments to it such as cutting out alcohol and smoking, getting enough sleep and doing the correct exercise (so leaving your bike at home).


What About Stress?

Stress can affect both male and female fertility. From a TCM perspective, too much yang energy (working a lot, over-exercising and being very busy) means your yin energy (caring for yourself and nourishment) will suffer. A key part of yin energy is sleep, and anyone who’s ever been stressed will know how sleep can be disrupted during this time.

Understandably, trying to conceive after a while can be a very stressful time. It’s also not particularly helpful when people tell you to relax and to stop thinking about it and it will just happen. Because when it doesn’t, unsurprisingly, your stress levels go up again.

Sleep impacts the yin meridians (energy channels running throughout the body). These include the kidneys, spleen, heart and liver which are very important for both male and female fertility.

Luckily, however, your TCM practitioner will be able to recommend a number of ways for you (both) to reduce stress. These can include acupuncture sessions, massage and changes to lifestyle. This will also help to move stagnant Qi energy so you can feel your healthiest and most relaxed.


Acupuncture for IVF

Chinese Medicine and IVF go hand in hand together. In fact, many fertility and IVF specialists work closely with acupuncturists both before and after the embryo is transferred.

Because acupuncture increases blood flow, more blood can go to the uterus which can help with implantation. As we’ve also just mentioned, IVF acupuncture can reduce stress which supports implantation and which leaves mum feeling happier and healthier.

TCM also looks at the person as a whole, including lifestyle, diet and gut health. A healthy diet, plenty of sleep and improved gut and immune health can really support a woman through the IVF process.


Traditional Chinese Medicine During Pregnancy

There are many TCM treatments that can help a woman during the various stages of pregnancy. Acupuncture and herbal medicine can alleviate first trimester symptoms such as nausea, fatigue and heartburn. Supplements and herbal medicine can ensure your body is well balanced too.

During the second and third trimesters, constipation and swelling can be a real problem for many women. It’s very common for your practitioner or acupuncturist to ask about your bowel movements (not just during pregnancy) to get an overview of your health. Acupuncture can help blood flow which helps get things moving as well as assess any stagnant Qi which could be causing constipation and swelling. Acupuncture and time alone relaxing with your practitioner can also help to relieve normal aches and pains associated with pregnancy.

Pre-birth acupuncture is a great way of preparing the body for birth. It’s usually done after 36 weeks and can assist with cervical ripening and can relax tendons and ligaments in the pelvis. It also increases blood flow and decreases stress which allows the mind to prepare for labour. Research suggests weekly pre-birth acupuncture can reduce the need for medical induction and the length of active labour.

acupuncture for pregnancy in Melbourne, Traditional Chinese Medicine


Chinese Medicine and New Mothers

New mothers need a lot of emotional and physical support. They also need time to recover from pregnancy, birth and how much their lives have changed. In TCM, postpartum care is crucial to both the health of the mother and the baby. An imbalance acquired during this time could develop into a lifelong issue for the mother.

Whilst it’s different in the West, in the East mothers are encouraged to take the Golden Month. This is the 4-6 week long period after birth in which the mother only has to concentrate on herself and her baby. Elders come to do all the cooking and cleaning so she can focus on her recovery.

According to TCM, the kidneys are very weak after birth and it’s essential that a new mother stays warm – especially her lower back. She also needs lots of warm and red food to help nourish the spleen and stomach. These two meridians control Qi and blood and a woman loses so much blood during childbirth that it needs to be replenished.


6 Weeks Postpartum

At The Whichdoctor we love to see our new mums 6 weeks after they’ve given birth. It gives us a chance to assess their recovery and treat anything that’s inhibiting it. This may be through acupuncture or a treatment called moxibustion. Moxibustion is a therapy that burns mugwort leaves over acupuncture points to gently warm them. This can assist with fatigue, bleeding and digestion.

Acupuncture can also help with stimulating breast milk and increasing energy levels.

moxibustion for fertility, Melbourne TCM


Are You Ready to Speak to a Professional About Your Fertility or Pregnancy Journey?

At The Whichdoctor, we have years of experience helping women across Melbourne with fertility, conception and pregnancy. Whether you’re an expectant mother or a couple struggling to conceive, our professional and sensitive practitioners can recommend various TCM treatments that will best suit you and your body.

If you have questions about acupuncture for fertility or want to know more about how TCM can help your pregnancy, get in touch with The Whichdoctor today. We’ll be happy to schedule an initial consultation and come up with a treatment plan that’s as unique as you are.